Euro candidate Issan Ghazni says family war experience strengthens resolve to support Europe

SAMSUNGVisiting party activists in Southwell, the East Midlands Euro candidate Issan Ghazni told of his family history fighting for Britain in World War II and how this had strengthened his belief in the European Union to ensure the continent never experienced such a conflict again.

Ghazni told the Newark party AGM: “My father fought in the British Indian Army, He was captured in Singapore and tortured in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. My father talked about how horrific war was and I have enormous sympathy with the idea that dialogue between European nations would prevent another World War ever happening again.”

There were 44 wars in Europe in the 20th Century alone before the European Union was founded but since then co-operation has kept conflict to a minimum.

Ghazni also spoke about the diversity of Nottingham. Having grown up in the multicultural Meadows neighbourhood. This reinforced his belief in bringing diverse communities together.

He promised activists he would be campaigning hard with them throughout the election and said “where we work, we win.”

* Lib Dems! I am more than happy to help out in your East Midlands local area. Please get in touch. Email me on issanghazni at email dot com

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